Prof. Doris Heinrich from iba Heiligenstadt Visits SFB 1270 ELAINE

Prof. Dr. Doris Heinrich from iba Heiligenstadt (second from left) visiting the lab of ELAINE project S01. From left to right: Dr.-Ing. Hendrikje Raben (ELAINE project A02), Prof. Dr. Doris Heinrich (iba Heiligenstadt), Prof. Dr. Ursula van Rienen (spokesperson of SFB 1270 ELAINE), M.Sc. Henning Bathel (ELAINE project S01), M.Sc. Nils Arbeiter (ELAINE project S01). © Lam Vien Che

On 19 and 20 March, we had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Doris Heinrich, institute director of iba Heiligenstadt, to our SFB 1270 ELAINE. During her two-day visit, she gained insight into our research by visiting the laboratories of projects A02, A03, B01, C01, C02, and S01. A highlight of her stay was her engaging talk at our IRTG colloquium, which attracted great interest and a large audience.

In-depth discussions focused on common research interests, particularly in the areas of 3D cell culture models, interface functionalisation and microfluidics - key topics being explored at both SFB 1270 ELAINE and iba Heiligenstadt.

We are excited about the many research links identified and look forward to future collaborations with iba Heiligenstadt!

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