Yesterday, 17 September 2024, a press release about the research of sub-project C01 of our CRC 1270 ELAINE written by Joachim Mangler was published. The press release provides insight into the research work of PD Dr. Nadja Engel and Laura Lembcke under the supervision of Prof Peer W. Kämmerer (Universitätsmedizin Mainz). The focus of their research is the development of an innovative implant system for the treatment of mandibular defects. They are developing a procedure that uses electrical stimulation to promote bone healing after significant mandibular defects. Such defects can be caused by the operative removal of tumors or severe inflammation.
Together with Prof. Bernhard Frerich (Universitätsmedizin Rostock), a 3D printing process for load-bearing implants made of a titanium alloy was developed. The implants can be perfectly adapted to the gap created by the operation and are designed to promote bone healing and implant ingrowth after significant defects using electrical stimulation.
We thank Nadja and Laura for this fascinating insight. We are delighted that you are part of our SFB 1270 ELAINE.