Begutachtete Zeitschriftenbeiträge 2024

J.M. Tetzner, S.B. Adrian. On the Adaptive Cross Approximation for the Magnetic Field Integral Equation. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 72, no. 12, pp. 9366-9377 (2024), 

T. Oiffer, F. Leipold, P. Süss, D. Breite, J. Griebel, M. Khurram, Y. Branson, E. de Vries, A. Schulze, C. A. Helm, R. Wei, U. T. Bornscheuer. Chemo-Enzymatic Depolymerization of Functionalized Low-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202415012.

K. Spiliotis, R. Köhling, W. Just, J. Starke, Data-driven and equation-free methods for neurological disorders: Analysis and control of the striatum network. Frontiers in network physiology4, 1399347 (2024) 

P. Barkow, C. Polley, L. Schöbel, J. Waletzko-Hellwig, G.Schnell, A. Springer, R. Bader, A.R. Boccaccini, H. Seitz. 3D printing of microstructured piezoelectric and bioactive PCL-composite scaffolds for bone regeneration. International Journal of Bioprinting 5964 (2024),

F.S. Kragelund, K. Spiliotis, M. Heerdegen, T. Sellmann, H. Bathel, A. Lüttig, A. Richter, J. Starke, R. Köhling, D. Franz. Network-wide effects of pallidal deep brain stimulation normalised abnormal cerebellar cortical activity in the dystonic animal model. Neurobiology of Disease 205, 106779 (2024), 

L. Krukewitt, S. Spors. Electrical Impedance Tomography for Hip Stem Implant Monitoring.  Curr. Dir. Biomed. Eng.  10(4): 400-403 (2024),

A. Golmohammadi, J. P. Payonk, U. v. Rienen and R. Appali. A Computational Study on the Activation of Neural Transmission in Deep Brain Stimulation.  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 72(3): 1132-1147(2024), 

M. Khurram, S. Neuber, A. Sill, C.A. Helm: Highly Electrically Conductive PEDOT:PSS Films via Layer-By-Layer Electrostatic Self-Assembly. ACS Omega  (2024). 

P.S. Lee, K.K. Sriperumbudur, J.E. Dawson, U. van Rienen, R. Appali: Mathematical models on bone cell homeostasis and kinetics in the presence of electric fields: A review. Prog. Biomed. Eng. 7, 012004, (2024). 

J.P. Payonk, H. Bathel, N. Arbeiter, M. Kober, M. Fauser, A. Storch, U. van Rienen, J. Zimmermann: Improving computational models of deep brain stimulation through experimental calibration. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 110320 (2024).

T. Köster, P. Henning, T. Warnke, A. Uhrmacher: Expressive rule-based modeling and fast simulation for dynamic compartments. PLOS ONE 19(10) (2024),

N. Abroug, L. Schöbel, A. Boccaccini, H. Seitz, Quantitative Macromolecular Modeling Assay of Biopolymer-Based Hydrogels. Gels 10(11) (2024), 

K. Budde-Sagert, S. Krüger, C. Sehlke, H. Lemcke, A. Jonitz-Heincke, R. David, R. Bader, A. Uhrmacher (2024): detectCilia: An R Package for Automated Detection and Length Measurement of Primary Cilia. Bioinformatics and Biology Insights. 2024;18. 

K. Gierend, F. Krüger, S. Genehr, F. Hartmann, F. Siegel, D. Waltemath, T. Ganslandt & A. A. Zeleke (2024): Provenance Information for Biomedical Data and Workflows: Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res; 26:e51297. 

D. Schindler, T. Hossain, S. Spors & F. Krüger (2024): A multilevel analysis of data quality for formal software citation. Quantitative Science Studies; 5 (3): 637–667. doi: 

J. Zimmermann, A. R. Farooqi, U. van Rienen, Electrical stimulation for cartilage tissue engineering - A critical review from an engineer's perspective. Heliyon 10 (19), e38112 (2024).

A. Klinder, F. Möws, J. Ziebart, Y. Su, C. Gabler, A. Jonitz-Heincke, U. van Rienen, M. Ellenrieder, R. Bader, Effects of electrical stimulation with alternating fields on the osseointegration of titanium implants in the rabbit tibia - a pilot study. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 12 (2024).

K. Spiliotis, R. Appali, A. Fontes Gomes, J.P. Payonk, S. Adrian, U. van Rienen, J. Starke, R. Koehling, Utilising activity patterns of a complex biophysical network model to optimise intra-striatal deep brain stimulation. Sci Rep 14, 18919 (2024). 

M. Wendt, F. Dorn, R. Lange, R. Ludwig, J. Berdermann, I. Barke, S. Speller. Ionic liquid coating for charge mitigation of solar modules in space: Electron microscopy on insulating nanosphere lithography patterned surfaces. J. Space Weather Space Clim. 14(18), (2024), 

M. Statz, H. Weber, F. Weis, M. Kober, H. Bathel, F. Plocksties, U. van Rienen, D. Timmermann, A. Storch, M. Fauser. Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation induces functional deficits in norepinephrinergic neurotransmission in a Parkinson’s disease model.Brain Res. 1841, 149128 (2024), 

Polley C, Riaz A, Lund H, Boccaccini AR, Seitz H, Field-Assisted Sintering of Barium Titanate and 45S5 Bioactive Glass for Biomedical Applications.  Ceram. Int. (2024) 

Weber H, Statz M, Markert F, Storch A, Fauser M, Circadian variations influence anxiety-related behaviour, olfaction, and hedonic response in male Sprague–Dawley rats. Behav. Brain Res. 471, 115134 (2024) 

Sass JO, Saemann M, Kebbach M, Soodmand E, Wree A, Bader R, Kluess D, The Morphology of the Femur Influences the Fracture Risk during Stumbling and Falls on the Hip—A Computational Biomechanical Study. Life 14(7) (2024) 

Raben H, Kämmerer PW, van Rienen U, Addressing Model Uncertainties in Finite Element Simulation of Electrically Stimulated Implants for Critical-Size Mandibular Defects. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.71(10), pp. 3055-3068, (2024) 

Fauser M, Payonk JP, Weber H, Statz M, Winter C, Hadar R, Appali R, van Rienen U, Brandt MD, Storch A. Subthalamic nucleus but not entopeduncular nucleus deep brain stimulation enhances neurogenesis in the SVZ-olfactory bulb system of Parkinsonian rats. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 18:1396780. (2024) 

Sriperumbudur KK, Appali R, Gummer AW, van Rienen U. Understanding the impact of modiolus porosity on stimulation of spiral ganglion neurons by cochlear implants. Sci Rep 14, 9593 (2024). 

Geiger F, Bathel H, Spors S, Bader R, Kluess D. Monitoring of Hip Joint Forces and Physical Activity after Total Hip Replacement by an Integrated Piezoelectric ElementTechnologies. 2024; 12(4):51. 

Buenning ME, Bielfeldt M, Nebe B, Staehlke S. Short-Time Alternating Current Electrical Stimulation and Cell Membrane-Related Components. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(2):812,

Lüttig A, Perl S, Zetsche M, Richter F, Franz D, Heerdegen M, Köhling R, Richter A. Short-term stimulations of the entopeduncular nucleus induce cerebellar changes of c-Fos expression in an animal model of paroxysmal dystonia. Brain Research. 2024 1823, 148672,

Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge 2024

N. Arbeiter, L. Poβner, L. Schöbel, A. R. Boccaccini, U. Van Rienen and J. Zimmermann. Improving Four-Electrode Impedance Measurements by Numerical Simulations.  2024 International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS), Chemnitz, Germany, 2024, pp. 56-61, 

R. Hauser, L. Steffen, F. Gruetzmacher, C. Haubelt. Analyzing Local RISC-V Interrupt Latencies with Virtual Prototyping. MBMV 2024 - 27. Workshop 14.-15.02.2024 Kaiserslautern, Germany. 

J. Thönes, S. Spors. Data-Driven 3D Reconstruction for Electrical Impedance Tomography.2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, USA, 2024, pp. 1-4, 

J.P. Payonk, K. Spiliotis, J. Starke, R. Köhling, U. van Rienen, R. Appali. Evaluating the Impact of a Complex Volume Conductor Model on Network Dynamics for Deep Brain Stimulation. 2024 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), pp. 675-680, 02.-06.09.2024, Lisbon, Portugal, 

N. Kruse, A. Wache, H. Aschemann and J. Starke, Data-Driven Model Predictive Control of a Nonlinear Ball-on-a- Wheel System2024 American Control Conference (ACC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 10-12 July 2024, pp. 887-892, 

P. Wilsdorf, S. Zschaler, F. Haack, A. Uhrmacher, Potential and Challenges of Assurance Cases for Simulation Validation. Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2024), Orlando, Florida, USA, 15-18 Dec 2024, accepted

R. Hauser, F: Grützmacher, C. Haubelt, Approximative Sensor Data Resynchronization for Wireless Burst Transmission Protocols. 2024 IEEE 20th International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), Toulouse, France, 2024, pp. 1-8, 

U. van Rienen, 25 Years Computational Electromagnetics @ SCEE. In: van Beurden, M., Budko, N.V., Ciuprina, G., Schilders, W., Bansal, H., Barbulescu, R. (eds) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. SCEE 2022. Mathematics in Industry(), vol 43. Springer, Cham. (2024) 

L.V. Che, J. Zimmermann, H. Bathel, A. Weizel, H. Seitz, U. van Rienen, Validation-Oriented Modelling of Electrical Stimulation Chambers for Cartilage Tissue Engineering.  In: van Beurden, M., Budko, N.V., Ciuprina, G., Schilders, W., Bansal, H., Barbulescu, R. (eds) Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering. SCEE 2022. Mathematics in Industry(), vol 43. Springer, Cham. (2024)

Abstracts 2024

OS 04-03 The network-wide impact of pallidal deep brain stimulation in generalized dystonia (2024). Denise Franz, Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Konstantinos Spiliotis, Henning Bathel, Marco Heerdegen, Angelika Richter, Jens Starke, Rüdiger Köhling.
Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society (103rd), Austrian Physiological Society and Life Sciences Switzerland (LS²) Physiology 

C 02-11 Integrated Computational and Electrophysiological Approaches to Optimize Deep Brain Stimulation in Movement Disorders (2024). Marco Heerdegen, Denise Franz, Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Franziska Richter, Ursula van Rienen,  Angelika Richter, Konstantinos Spiliotis, Jens Starke, Rüdiger Köhling. Annual Meeting of the German Physiological Society (103rd), Austrian Physiological Society and Life Sciences Switzerland (LS²) Physiology 

Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation on Neuronal Network Mechanisms in Generalised Dystonia (2024). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling ELAINE Conference. 20-22 March 2024, Rostock, Germany

Effect of pallidal DBS on the cerebellar cortex of a dystonic model (2024). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling. FENS Forum. 25-29 June 2024, Vienna, Austria.

Preprints 2024

L. Böttcher, H. Wallner, N. Kruse, W. Just, I. Barke, J. Starke, S. Speller. Exposing hidden periodic orbits in scanning force 2 microscopy, 2024, 

M. Naeimi, K. Engster, I. Barke, S. Speller,  Morphology and structural properties of thin rubrene crystallites grown on graphite, arXiv:2404.14311. April 22 2024. 

E. Akindji, J. Slipantschuk, O.F. Bandtlow, W. Just, Convergence properties of dynamic mode decomposition for analytic interval mapsarXiv:2404.08512. April 12 2024. 

T. Köster, P. Henning, T. Warnke, A. Uhrmacher, Expressive modeling and fast simulation for dynamic compartments, bioRxiv. April 02 2024. 

H. Raben, P.W. Kämmerer, U. van Rienen, Addressing Model Uncertainties in Finite Element Simulation of Electrically Stimulated Implants for Critical-Size Mandibular Defects,  TechRxiv. March 30, 2024. 

A. Golmohammadi, J.P. Payonk, U. van Rienen, R. Appali, A Computational Study on the Activation of Neural Transmission in Deep Brain StimulationTechRxiv. January 29, 2024. 

K. Spiliotis, R. Köhling, W. Just, J. Starke, Data-driven and equation-free methods for neurological disorders: Analysis and control of the striatum network, 2024,

O.F. Bandtlow, W. Just, J. Slipantschuk, A numerical study of rigidity of hyperbolic splittings in simple two-dimensional maps, 22 Feb 2024,

N. Kruse, H. Wallner, A. Dittus, L. Böttcher, I. Barke, S. Speller, J. Starke, W. Just, Large basins of attraction for control-based continuation of unstable periodic states, February 9, 2024,


U. van Rienen, H. Raben, W. Radlof, M. Sander, M. Dau, J. Zimmermann, H. Bathel, N. Arbeiter, N. Engel, L. Lembcke. Knochenimplantat sowie Verfahren und Computerprogrammprodukt zur Herstellung eines Knochenimplantats. Amtliches Aktenzeichen 10 2024 117 508.7, Tag der Anmeldung: 20.06.2024


I. Gregorski, H. Rebl, Easy tracking of unstained cells in ImageJ., September 23 2024, 


F.S. Kragelund, K. Spiliotis, M. Heerdegen, T. Sellmann, H. Bathel, A. Lüttig, A. Richter, J. Starke, R. Köhling, D. Franz. Network-wide effects of pallidal deep brain stimulation normalised abnormal cerebellar cortical activity in the dystonic animal model [Data set].  Zenodo. 

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