Begutachtete Zeitschriftenbeiträge 2023
D. Franz, A. Richter, R. Köhling (2023). Electrophysiological insights into deep brain stimulation of the network disorder dystonia. Pflugers Arch.: European journal of physiology, 475(10), 1133–1147. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00424-023-02845-5
D. Schindler, E. Yan, S. Spors & F. Krüger (2023) Retracted articles use less free and open-source software and cite it worse. Quantitative Science Studies; 4 (4): 820–838. doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00275
K. Spiliotis, K. Butenko, J. Starke, U. van Rienen, R. Köhling (2024). Towards an optimised deep brain stimulation using a large-scale computational network and realistic volume conductor model. Journal of Neural Engineering, Volume 20, 6, https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/ad0e7c
M. Bielfeldt, K. Budde-Sagert, N. Weis, M. Buenning, S. Staehlke, J. Zimmermann, N. Arbeiter, S. Mobini, M.U. González, H. Rebl, A. Uhrmacher, U. van Rienen & B. Nebe (2023). Discrimination between the effects of pulsed electrical stimulation and electrochemically conditioned medium on human osteoblasts. Journal of Biological Engineering, Volume 17, 71, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13036-023-00393-1
Meike Statz, Frederike Schleuter, Hanna Weber, Maria Kober, Franz Plocksties, Dirk Timmermann, Alexander Storch, Mareike Fauser (2023). Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation does not alter growth factor expression in a rat model of stable dopaminergic deficiency, Neuroscience Letters, Volume 814, 137459, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2023.137459
Schulz A, Richter F, Richter A (2023). In vivo optogenetic inhibition of striatal parvalbumin-reactive interneurons induced genotype-specific changes in neuronal activity without dystonic signs in male DYT1 knock-in mice. J Neurosci Res. 101(4):448-463. doi: 10.1002/jnr.25157.
V. L. Che, J. Zimmermann, Y. Zhou, X. L. Lu & U. van Rienen (2023), Deriving Models of Cartilaginous Cells from Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Images to Estimate Dielectric Properties. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Volume 60, 6500104, https://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2023.3307009
V. L. Che, J. Zimmermann, Y. Zhou, X. L. Lu & U. van Rienen (2023). Contributions of deep learning to automated numerical modelling of the interaction of electric fields and cartilage tissue based on 3D images. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11, https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2023.1225495
Charlotte Helf, Maria Kober, Franz Markert, Jennifer Lanto, Leonie Overhoff, Kathrin Badstübner-Meeske, Alexander Storch & Mareike Fauser (2023). Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation induces nigrostriatal dopaminergic plasticity in a stable rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Neuroreport; 34(10): 506–511. Published online 2023 May 20. https://doi.org/10.1097/wnr.0000000000001917.
C. Neudorfer et al., Lead-DBS v3.0: Mapping Deep Brain Stimulation Effects to Local Anatomy and Global Networks. NeuroImage (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119862
Polley, C., Distler, T., Scheufler, C., Detsch, R., Lund, H., Springer, A., Schmeidereit, D., Friedrich, O., Boccaccini, Aldo R., Seitz, H. (2023). 3D Printing of Piezoelectric and Bioactive Barium Titanate-Bioactive Glass Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Materials Today Bio. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtbio.2023.100719
Neuber, Sven., Sill, Annekatrin, Ahrens, Heiko, Quade, Antje, & Helm, Christiane A. Influence of Different Solutions on Electrically Conductive Films Composed of Carbon Nanotubes and Polydimethyldiallylammonium. ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 2023, 1 (6) 1493–1503. DOI 10.1021/acsaenm.3c00085
A. Dittus, N. Kruse, I. Barke, S. Speller, and J. Starke. Detecting Stability and Bifurcation Points in Control-Based Continuation for a Physical Experiment of the Zeeman Catastrophe Machine. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Systems 22, 1275, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1137/22M1503245
Henning, Philipp; Köster, Till; Haack, Fiete; Burrage, Kevin; Uhrmacher, Adelinde M. (2023). Implications of different membrane compartmentalization models in particle-based in silico studies. R. Soc. open sci.10:221177. doi.org/10.1098/rsos.221177
Hofmann B, Eibert TF, Andriulli FP, Adrian SB. A Low-Frequency Stable, Excitation Agnostic Discretization of the Right-Hand Side for the Electric Field Integral Equation on Multiply-Connected Geometries. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3234704.
Hofmann B, Eibert TF, Andriulli FP, Adrian SB. An Excitation-Aware and Self-Adaptive Frequency Normalization for Low-Frequency Stabilized Electric Field Integral Equation Formulations. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TAP.2023.3247896.
Azinfar A, Helm C. Self-patterning of polyelectrolyte multilayer films: the roles of PSS molecular weight, the top layer, and post-preparation treatment. Macromolecules 2023, 56, 8, 3095–3109, April 2023, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.macromol.2c02476.
Dreier T, Riaz A, Ahrend A, Polley C, Bode S, Milkereit B, Seitz H. 3D printing of aluminum oxide via Composite Extrusion Modeling using a ceramic injection molding feedstock. Materials & Design 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2023.111806.
Panagiotopoulos I, Starke, Sieber J, Just W. Continuation with Noninvasive Control Schemes: Revealing Unstable States in a Pedestrian Evacuation Scenario.Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 22 (1), 1-36, January 2023, https://doi.org/10.1137/22M1482032.
Engel N, Dau M, Engel V, Franz D, Klemmstein F, Thanisch C, Kolb J.F, Frank M, Springer A, Köhling R, Bader R, Frerich B, Wiesmann N, Heimes D, Kämmerer P.W. Combining Electrostimulation with Impedance Sensing to Promote and Track Osteogenesis within a Titanium Implant. Biomedicines February 2023, 11, 697. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines11030697.
Zimmermann J, Sahm F, Arbeiter N, Bathel H, Song Z, Bader R, Jonitz-Heincke A, van Rienen U. Experimental and numerical methods to ensure comprehensible and replicable alternating current electrical stimulation experiments. Bioelectrochemistry (2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioelechem.2023.108395.
Riaz A, Polley C, Lund H, Springer A, Seitz H. A novel approach to fabricate load-bearing Ti6Al4V-Barium titanate piezoelectric bone scaffolds by coupling electron beam melting and field-assisted sintering. Materials & Design, 225, 111428, January 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111428.
Schnell G, Polley C, Thomas R, Bartling S, Wagner J, Springer A, Seitz H. How droplets move on laser-structured surfaces: Determination of droplet adhesion forces on nano-and microstructured surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 630, 951-964, January 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2022.10.091.
Kreller T, Zimmermann J, van Rienen U, Boccaccini AR, Jonitz-Heincke A, Detsch R. Alternating electric field stimulation: Phenotype analysis and osteoclast activity of differentiated RAW 264.7 macrophages on hydroxyapatite-coated Ti6Al4V surfaces and their crosstalk with MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts. Biomaterials Advances, Volume 146, March 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2023.213285.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge 2023
Christoph Niemann, Michael Rethfeldt, Dirk Timmermann. A Novel Strategy for Flexible Placement and Routing of AVS Sensors on FPGAs. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), September 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden (to appear).
Radlof, Wiebke; Benz, Christopher; Sander, Manuela: Untersuchung des Schädigungsverhaltens additiv gefertigter Gitterstrukturen: Anwendung der digitalen Bildkorrelation im quasi-statischen und zyklischen Versuch. DVM-Arbeitskreis Bruchvorgänge und Bauteilsicherheit, DVM-Bericht 255, Darmstadt, 2023, S. 47-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.48447/BR-2023-006.
Lisa Krukewitt, Sascha Spors, Karl Völzer, Rainer Bader, and Daniel Klüß. Evaluation of the bandwidth dependence of the detection of hip-stem implant loosening using structure borne sound. In German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), March 2023.
Abstracts 2023
P-68 Deep brain stimulation alters synaptic tone on ventroanterior-ventrolateral thalamic neurons in dystonic dtsz mutant hamsters (2023). Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2023.02.085
P-71 Cerebellar network in a model of paroxysmal dystonia (2023). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2023.02.088
Effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN) in dystonic dtsz hamsters (2023). Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Maria Paap, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Rüdiger Köhling, Angelika Richter https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.372
Short- and long-term outcomes of chronic pallidal deep brain stimulation in the dystonic dtsz hamster (2023). Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Nadja Engel, Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.441
Network synaptic plasticity of cerebellum in a model of paroxysmal dystonia (2023). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling
T11-7A Cerebellar network in a model of paroxysmal dystonia (2023). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling.
15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG). 22.-24.03.2023 https://www.nwg-goettingen.de/2023/upload/file/Proceedings-NWG-2023.pdf
T11-8C The pallidal inhibitory tone on ventrolateral thalamic neurons in dystonic dtsz mutant hamster after long-term deep brain stimulation (2023). Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Anika Lüttig, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling.
15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG). 22.-24.03.2023 https://www.nwg-goettingen.de/2023/upload/file/Proceedings-NWG-2023.pdf
T21-7A Effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the entopeduncular nucleus (EPN) in dystonic dtsz hamsters (2023). Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Maria Paap, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Rüdiger Köhling, Angelika Richter.
15th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG). 22.-24.03.2023 https://www.nwg-goettingen.de/2023/upload/file/Proceedings-NWG-2023.pdf
S 03-02 Electrophysiological Investigations on the mechanisms of DBS in a dystonia model (2023). Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Anika Lüttig, Franz Veit Plocksties, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling. 102nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GERMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Berlin https://www.dpg2023.de/wp-content/uploads/DPG2023_AbstractBooklet-2023-09-18_FINAL.pdf
OS 08-08 DBS in GPi modulates spontaneous cerebellar activity in a dystonic hamster (2023). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling. 102nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GERMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Berlin https://www.dpg2023.de/wp-content/uploads/DPG2023_AbstractBooklet-2023-09-18_FINAL.pdf
Cerebellar network in a model of paroxysmal dystonia (2023). Fabiana Santana Kragelund, Denise Franz, Marco Heerdegen, Anika Lüttig, Stefanie Perl, Angelika Richter, Rüdiger Köhling. 6th International Dystonia Symposium. 1- 3 June 2023, Dublin, Ireland
J. Zimmermann, A. Erbslöh, U. van Rienen, S. Ingebrandt, W. Mokwa, K. Seidl, Method to Predict Microelectrode Impedances during Runtime for Electrical Stimulation and Recording in Future Neural Implants. Abstracts of the 57th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Biomedical Engineering 2023, Duisburg, Germany (26.–28.09. 2023).
H. Raben H, P.W. Kämmerer, U. van Rienen, Numerical model of an electrically stimulated minipig lower jaw considering model uncertainties. Kleinheubacher Tagung der URSI Deutschland (KH2023), Miltenberg, Germany (26.–28.09.2023).
H. Raben, R. Appali, A. Gomes, U. van Rienen, Numerical simulation of electro-stimulative bone implants – a multiscale perspective. X International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB), Wien, Österreich (20.–22.09.2023)
R. Appali , A. F. Gomes, H. Raben, and U. van Rienen, Multiphysics and Multiscale modeling of electrically active implants, 10th edition of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2023), Chania, Greece (05.–07.06.2023)
V. L. Che, M. Bielfeldt, N. Arbeiter, U. van Rienen , J. Zimmermann. Enhancing Cellular Modelling with Realistic Boundary Conditions: Leveraging Digital Twin Applications for Image-Based Analysis. 5th International Conference on Biomedical Technology, Hannover, Germany (06.–08.11.2023)
J. P. Payonk, J. Zimmermann, M. Kober, A. Storch, U. van Rienen, Increasing reliability of computer simulation for deep brain stimulation by using impedance spectroscopy. 6th International Brain Stimulation Conference. Volume 16, ISSUE 1, P331-332, January 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.624
J.P. Payonk, R. Appali, K. Spiliotis, J. Starke, R. Köhling, U. van Rienen, "Employing a Patient-specific Volume Conductor Model as Input for a Biophysical Network Model for Deep Brain Stimulation," 2023 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), Venice, Italy, 2023, pp. 168-168, doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEAA57318.2023.10297821
M. Statz, M. Kober, F. Schleuter, H. Bathel, F. Plocksties, D. Timmermann, U. van Rienen, M. Fauser, A. Storch, Effects of deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) on cellular plasticity in catecholaminergic systems in a hemiparkinsonian rat model. Brain Stimulation, Vol. 16, P2.100, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.577
M. Kober, F. Bernsdorff, J. Zimmermann, M. Statz, J. Lanto, N. Arbeiter, H. Bathel, J.P. Payonk, M. Fauser, U. van Rienen, A. Storch. Characterization of the Electrode Tissue Interface after long-term Deep Brain Stimulation in a 6-Hydroxydopamine Hemi-Parkinson rat model, Brain Stimulation, 2023, 16, 362; Conference: 5th International Brain Stimulation Conference, 18.02.2023-22.02.2023, Lisbon, Portugal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.01.706
J.P. Payonk, J. Zimmermann, M. Kober, A. Storch, U. van Rienen, Employing Data from Impedance Spectroscopy for Validation of Computational Models for Deep Brain Stimulation. 2023 International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (Compumag), Kyoto, Japan, 2023. ID 287, https://www.compumag2023.com/program/www.conftool.pro/compumag2023/indexe4c0.html?page=browseSessions&print=export&ismobile=false&form_session=11)