Begutachtete Zeitschriftenbeiträge 2017
Badstuebner, Kathrin; Gimsa, Ulrike; Weber, Immo; Tuchscherer, Armin; Gimsa, Jan (2017): Deep Brain Stimulation of Hemiparkinsonian Rats with Unipolar and Bipolar Electrodes for up to 6 Weeks: Behavioral Testing of Freely Moving Animals. In: Parkinson's disease 2017, S. 5693589. DOI: 10.1155/2017/5693589.
Bestel, Robert; Appali, Revathi; van Rienen, Ursula; Thielemann, Christiane (2017): Effect of Morphologic Features of Neurons on the Extracellular Electric Potential: A Simulation Study Using Cable Theory and Electro-Quasi-Static Equations. In: Neural Computation 29 (11), S. 2955–2978. DOI: 10.1162/neco_a_01019 .
Kämmerer, P.eer W.; Thiem, Daniel G. E.; Alshihri, Abdulmonem; Wittstock, Gero H.; Bader, Rainer; Al-Nawas, Bilal; Klein, Marcus O. (2017): Cellular fluid shear stress on implant surfaces-establishment of a novel experimental set up. In: International journal of implant dentistry 3 (1), S. 22. DOI: 10.1186/s40729-017-0085-3.
Kämmerer, Peer W.; Scholz, Malte; Baudisch, Maria; Liese, Jan; Wegner, Katharina; Frerich, Bernhard; Lang, Hermann (2017): Guided Bone Regeneration Using Collagen Scaffolds, Growth Factors, and Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells for Treatment of Peri-Implant Bone Defects In Vivo. In: Stem Cells International 2017, S. 3548435. DOI: 10.1155/2017/3548435.
Nestler, Peter; Helm, Christiane A. (2017): Determination of refractive index and layer thickness of nm-thin films via ellipsometry. In: Optics Express 25 (22), S. 27077–27085. DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.027077.
Raben, Hendrikje; Schmidt, Christian; Sridhar, Karthik; Kämmerer, Peer W.; van Rienen, Ursula (2017): Numerical design studies on a novel electrostimulative osteosynthesis system for the mandible. In: Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 3 (2). DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2017-0128.
Vogel, Danny; Rathay, Andreas; Teufel, Stephanie; Ellenrieder, Martin; Zietz, Carmen; Sander, Manuela; Bader, Rainer (2017): Experimental analysis of insertion torques and forces of threaded and press-fit acetabular cups by means of ex vivo and in vivo measurements. In: Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics (03/2017), S. 155–163. DOI: 10.5277/ABB-00723-2016-02.
Begutachtete Konferenzbeiträge 2017
Bernhardt, Jakob; Verma, Ujjwal; Bechtold, Tamara; Hohlfeld, Dennis (2017): Entwurf eines thermoelektrischen Generators für elektrisch aktive Implantate. ANalysis SYStem Conference. Koblenz, Germany, November 2017.
Jadhav, Onkar Sandip; Yuan, Chengdong; Hohlfeld, Dennis; Bechtold, Tamara (2017): Entwurf eines thermoelektrischen Generators für elektrisch aktive Implantate. Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress. Munich, Germany, October 2017.
Abstracts 2017
Budde, Kai; Warnke, Tom; Uhrmacher, Adelinde M.; Schatz, Eric; Starke, Jens; Haack, Fiete (2017): Exploiting equation-free analysis for multi-level, agent-based models in cell biology. Winter Simulation Conference. Las Vegas, United States of America (Proceedings, published by IEEE, Electronic ISSN: 1558-4305, pp. 4564-4565).
Henning, Philipp; Köster, Till; Uhrmacher, Adelinde M. (2017): Idiosyncracies in Multi-Spatial Modeling. 15th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology. Darmstadt, Germany.
Kolb, Juergen F. (2017): Bioimpedance Analysis of Epithelial Monolayer after Exposure to Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs). 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies. Norfolk, United States of America.
Kolb, Juergen F. (2017): Applications of Graphene on the Surface Modification of Implant Materials. 29th Annual Conference des Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. - 17th Parallel Forum Central Indiana Educational Service Center Annual Meeting. Hamburg, Germany.
Nebe, Barbara J. (2017): Bioactivation of implant materials and induction of cell signaling via a plasma polymer nanolayer. 28th European Society of Biomaterials. Athens, Greece.
Stählke, Susanne (2017): Intracellular calcium dynamics dependent on defined features of titanium materials. Fimpart Enabling Innovation: Frontiers in Materials Processing Applications, Research and Technology. Bordeaux, France.
Stählke, Susanne (2017): Biomaterial modifications and cellular behaviour. 26th Annual Conference Biomaterials in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Rytro, Poland.
Eingeladene Vorträge 2017
Hohlfeld, Dennis (2017): Energieautonome Implantate mit rückgekoppelter elektrischer Stimulation. Fachverband für Mikrotechnik e.V. - Fachgruppe Medizintechnik. Altenberge, Germany, November 2017.
Köhling, Rüdiger (2017): Resilienz bei der Neurodegeneration. University Medical Center. Rostock, Germany, November 2017.
Nebe, Barbara J. (2017): Bioactivation of implant materials and induction of cell signaling via a plasma polymer nanolayer. 28th European Society of Biomaterials. Athens, Greece, September 2017.
Rebl, Henrike (2017): Interaktion von Zellen an der Grenzfläche zu chemisch modifizierten Biomaterialoberflächen. University Medical Center. Rostock, Germany, November 2017.
Staehlke, Susanne (2017): Intracellular calcium dynamics dependent on defined features of titanium materials. Fimpart Enabling Innovation: Frontiers in Materials Processing Applications, Research and Technology. Bordeaux, France, July 2017.
Stählke, Susanne (2017): Biomaterial modifications and cellular behaviour. 26th Annual Conference Biomaterials in Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Rytro, Poland, November 2017.
Timmermann, Dirk (2017): Collaborative Research Centre 1270 ELAINE - ELectrically Active ImplaNts. Symposium and Panel Medizintechnik. Darmstadt, Germany, November 2017.
van Rienen, Ursula (2017): SFB 1270 ELAINE - ELektrisch Aktive ImplaNtatE. Research Workshop University Medical Center. Rostock, Germany, November 2017.