Temporary Substitute Positions for Clinicians
The temporary substitute positions for clinicians are funded by the support of the Rostock University Medical Center
and give clinicians the opportunity to do their own research in the field of electrically active implants.
Pia Drews
Rostock University Medical Center
Department of Neurology
01.10.22 - 31.03.23
"Enhancement of adult neural stem cells and primary dopaminergic neurons with electrically conductive carbon nanotubes"
Dr. med. Mareike Fauser
Rostock University Medical Center
Department of Neurology
01.09.19 - 29.02.20
"Insights into DBS mechanisms: Regulation of adult neurogenesis through neuronal growth factors in the 6-OHDA-hemiparkinsonian rat model"
01.03.20 - 31.08.20
"Optimization of rodent DBS: application of a fully-implantable DBS stimulator in rats"
Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Michael Dau
Rostock University Medical Centre
Policlinic of Oral-, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery
01.01.19 - 30.06.19
"Influence of electric stimulation in skin wound healing - a proof of concept and animal pilot experiment"
Dr. med. Martin Darowski
Rostock University Medical Center
Department of Orthopaedics
01.10.19 - 31.03.20
"Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Modells zur Charakterisierung der Einheilung elektrisch aktiver Implantate und von Umbauvorgängen im Knochen"