News 2023
September 11, 2023: Another press release on proejct B01 entitled Bioaktiver Knocheneratz aus dem 3D-Drucker is online: Bioaktiver Knochenersatz aus dem 3D-Drucker - Universität Rostock (uni-rostock.de).
In addition, an interview with Prof. Hermann Seitz appeared on September 22, 2023 in Wissen aktuell - SWR2 Impuls, SWR2: Bioaktiver Knocheneratz aus dem 3D-Drucker - SWR2.
September 6, 2023: Simone Krüger has successfully defended her PhD thesis. The title of her thesis is: „ Untersuchungen zur biologischen Antwort humaner Chondrozyten auf kapazitiv gekoppelte elektrische Wechselfelder “. Congratulations!
July 28, 2023: A new press release on project C03 entitled Rostocker Wissenschaftler an der Weltspitze der Dystonie-Forschung is online: https://www.uni-rostock.de/universitaet/kommunikation-und-aktuelles/medieninformationen/detailansicht/n/rostocker-wissenschaftler-an-der-weltspitze-der-dystonie-forschung-new64c369069b616614375697/
July 7, 2023: Julius Zimmermann – a former Ph.D. student in project A02 – was awarded the Joachim-Jungius-Förderpreis for his outstanding dissertation: https://www.uni-rostock.de/universitaet/kommunikation-und-aktuelles/medieninformationen/detailansicht/n/verleihung-des-joachim-jungius-foerderpreises-2023-new64a28f30a9b9e635763939/
Congratulations to Julius!
May 4, 2023: The SFB 1270 ELAINE participated at this year's Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Rostock. Thanks a lot to all involved!
May 3, 2023: A press release on Knorpelregeneration: Forschungen mit elektrisch aktiven Implantaten in Rostock kommen voran (project C02) has been published, see science-online.org, healthcare-in-europe.com, and idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft.
April 27, 2023: The SFB 1270 ELAINE enabled 10 interested girls and boys to get to know research at different locations in the SFB 1270 ELAINE at this year's Girls' and Boys' Day. It was a great day with many impressions. We are already looking forward to next year!
April 12, 2023: Anika Lüttig, Ph.D. student in project C03 at the University of Leipzig, has successfully defended her PhD thesis. The title of her thesis is: „Brevican-Expression in Dystoniemodellen (dtsz Hamster, DYT1 Knock-in-Maus) und Einflüsse Tiefer Hirnstimulation“. Congratulations!
April 1, 2023: Following the decision of all University Medical Center Rostock bodies, the Department of Cell Biology, under the leadership of Prof. Barbara Nebe (project leader of A03), was renamed the Institute of Cell Biology. The commissarial director of the Institute of Cell Biology is now Prof. Barbara Nebe.
January 31, 2023: Wiebke Radlof, Ph.D. student in project B05, has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis with distinction. The title of Wiebkes' thesis is: „Untersuchungen zur mechanischen Zuverlässigkeit sowie zum Schädigungsverhalten von additiv gefertigten TiAI6V4 Gitterstrukturen“.
Congratulations to Wiebke and well deserved!
January 2023: PD Dr. Nadja Engel was officially confirmed by the German Research Foundation as the new co-project leader in C01 at the end of 2022. Congratulations to Nadja, and here's to continued good collaboration!