Z - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
Summary of the work programme
Guiding and organising the Collaborative Research Centre 1270 ELAINE as well as preparing project-specific workshops and colloquia are the central project’s main purposes. Additionally, it supports inviting guest researchers, organises their stay, manages the financial funds for all requested projects and prepares the participation of CRC 1270 ELAINE in nationwide or local public events. Finally, this project is responsible for the management of centrally invested funds to which the funds for guests, travel, events, graduate research assistants, schemes for equal opportunities and lump sum funds are assigned.
Project leader
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ursula van Rienen
Tel.: +49 381 498 7070
University of Rostock
Institute of General Electrical Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock
Associated staff
Dr. Franziska Wendt
Former staff
Jonas Severin