S01 – Improving metrology and instrumentation of electrostimulation experiments
Summary of the work programme
This support project assists the experimental researchers with standardised characterisation of their electrical stimulation devices. This allows, for instance, more reproducible measurements and a more reliable validation of theoretical and numerical models. In addition, the project provides support for the coordination, design and construction of the various electrodes as well as in the procurement of electrodes and entire implant systems for the animal experiments. In addition, smaller technical tasks and manufacturing steps are carried out. In particular, a knowledge database for stimulation chambers is also being built.
Project leader
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ursula van Rienen
Tel.: +49 381 498 7070
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Spors
Tel.: +49 381 498 7300
University of Rostock
Institute of General Electrical Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock
University of Rostock
Institute of Communications Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 26
18059 Rostock