C04 – Interactive effects of deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus on dopaminergic plasticity and neurogenesis in a genetic rat model of Parkinson’s disease: From non-motor impact to biomarker development

Summary of the work programme

The project focuses on long-term effects of deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) in a novel genetic animal model of Parkinson’s disease presenting with consecutive overexpression of α-synuclein. The effects of STN-DBS on structural, functional and behavioural alterations will be dissected and potential biomarkers for the development of feedback-controlled stimulation will be characterised. These findings will contribute to the pathophysiological understanding of mechanisms of action in deep brain stimulation and potential optimisation of therapeutic DBS also in the clinical setting.

Cooperation projects

A01 / A02 / A06 / B03 / B06 / C03

Project leader

Prof. Dr. med. habil. Alexander Storch
Tel.: +49 381 494 9511

Dr. med. Mareike Fauser
Tel.: +49 381 494 9668


Rostock University Medical Center
Department of Neurology
Gehlsheimer Straße 20
18147 Rostock

Associated staff

Valeriia Abramenko
Dr. Maxi Kersten
Pia Rebmann
PD Dr. Renè Reese

Former staff

Felix Bernsdorff
Charlotte Helf
Maria Kober
Dr. Francia Molina
Frederike Schleuter
Mehrnaz Sheibani