C01 – Electro-physical stimulation of osseoinduction via alloplastic osteosynthesis system after ablative surgery in the mandible
Summary of the work programme
The project will explore electrical stimulation of bone using active osteosynthesis systems with the aim to reconstruct critical-size defects of the mandibular bone. After establishment of electrical stimulation parameters to improve growth of stem cells and preliminary animal experiments, these findings concerning electrical stimulation of osseous tissue will now be translated into coordination of conception and design of a load-bearing electrically active osteosynthesis system. In order to further improve the current implant system model, coating of the titanium surface with a dielectric ceramic with piezoelectric properties seems promising as it could be additionally used as a transducer of electrical current.
Project leader
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Peer Kämmerer
Tel.: +49 6131 17 5458
PD Dr. rer. nat. Nadja Engel
Tel.: +49 381 494 6679
University Medical Center Mainz
Department of Oral-, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery
Augustusplatz 2
55131 Mainz
Rostock University Medical Center
Policlinic of Oral-, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery
Schillingallee 35
18057 Rostock
Laura Lembcke
Hamsah Aiash
Associated staff
Dr. med. Diana Heimes
Daniel Wolter
Former staff
Dr. Mohamed Elhensheri
Iliana Mechkarova
Joelle Wachsmann