B05 – Assessment of the mechanical reliability of electrically active, porous and functionally graded implant structures by local damage approach
Summary of the work programme
The goal of the project is to ensure the mechanical reliability of electrically active load-bearing implant structures under physiological loading. Based on concepts for the regeneration of large bone defects by electrical stimulation of autogenous bone material, methods for the integration of load-bearing implants will be established and implemented using the example of two additively manufactured endoprostheses. For this, appropriate limit load and fatigue experiments under laboratory conditions as well as numerical simulations with validated damage and fatigue models will be carried out. Furthermore, in situ methods for use as a structural health monitoring system will be investigated.
Project leader
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ursula van Rienen
Tel.: +49 381 498 7070
University of Rostock
Institue of Structural Mechanics
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock