A04 – Electrically conductive multilayers for implant surfaces
Summary of the work programme
Ultra-thin electrically conductive layers are generated on which numerous osteoblasts are simultaneously exposed to electrical stimuli. The layers are produced by sequential adsorption of oppositely charged polymers and electrically conductive nanoparticles. The relationship between layer structure, frequency-dependent impedance and modulus of elasticity is investigated to find favourable conditions for cell adhesion and growth. The ageing of layers and electrodes is also being investigated.
Project leader
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Christiane A. Helm
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4710
University of Greifswald
Institute of Physics
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6
17489 Greifswald
Associated staff
Per-Ole Hilken
Martin Hunger
Former staff
Dr. Amir Azinfar
Dr. Peter Nestler
Dr. Sven Neuber
Dr. Sebastian Runde
Dr. Annekatrin Sill