A03 – AC-electrostimulation of cells on functionalised and laterally structured material surfaces – cell signalling aspects
Summary of the work programme
In this project, two cell signalling pathways – Ca2+ and Wnt – under alternating current stimulation in vitro are in focus. The intracellular calcium ion mobilisation in vital human osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells will be locally recorded via scanning ion conductance microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. In vitro data of components of the Wnt signalling pathway and of reactive oxygen species will be delivered for modelling and simulation in silico. A decisive step is the preparation of electrode patterns to be covered by polymers. The potential at the electrodes will be independently controlled allowing for the assessment of lamellipodia formation or membrane ruffle alterations towards specific electric signals or patterns.
Project leader
Prof. Dr. agr. habil. J. Barbara Nebe
Tel: +49 381 494 7771
Dr. rer. nat. Henrike Rebl
Tel: +49 381 494 7773
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Sylvia Speller
Tel: +49 381 498 6980
Rostock University Medical Center
Institute of Cell Biology
Schillingallee 69
18057 Rostock
University of Rostock
Institute of Physics
Albert-Einstein-Straße 23 - 24
18059 Rostock
Associated staff
Dr. Ingo Barke
Katharina Engster
Regina Lange
Dr. Susanne Stählke
Max Ulbrich
Christian Völkner